Mom Rage–Let’s Talk About Yelling: Instagram Live–Monday, Mar. 13th 8 p.m.
Mom Rage: Let’s Talk About Yelling
Monday, March 13th, 8-8:30 p.m.
FREE | Instagram Live | @mommyslife coach
You’re not the only mom who regularly blow-up at their children and partner. Mom rage is a very REAL thing and it can be challenging to reel-in and even harder to acknowledge.
If we don’t talk about it though, then our anger will only intensify— along with the yelling—and, subsequently, lead to guilt and isolation.
So, join me for a FREE, 30-minute Instagram Live workshop to uncover why you experience mom rage; how to manage your resentment and anger; and what to do when you’re on the verge of a blow-up, so you can stop yelling!
In my next Instagram Live workshop, we’ll discuss the physical and emotional impact of being lonely; the importance of self-connection; and seven actionable steps to help you start and stay connected with others— even when you’re momming in high-gear!
How to Connect when You’re Busy as SH*T!
Monday, Feb. 13th | 8-8:30 p.m. | FREE
INSTAGRAM LIVE @mommyslifecoach
MOM RAGE: Let’s Talk About Yelling
Monday, March. 13th | 8-8:30 p.m. | FREE
INSTAGRAM LIVE @mommyslifecoach
From the daily demands and a lack of alone time, to the random temper tantrums and sick days— the mayhem of momming is exhausting on a physical and emotional level. And, when we’re drained of patience and energy, we lose our temper— often in yelling fits of mom rage.
Mom rage is an explosive, uncontrollable anger that can overwhelm us throughout motherhood. And yes, this means that it happens to moms of teens, as well as toddlers!
Unfortunately, most women keep it a secret out because they’re ashamed of feeling and acting that way. However, if we don’t talk about it, then the resentment, negativity and anger will only intensify (believe me!) and, subsequently, lead to guilt and isolation.
And because mom rage can be emotionally consuming for such a long period of time and impact so many aspects of your life, it’s important to understand what it stems from and how to manage it, so you can stop yelling and feeling guilty.
So, let’s talk about this once ‘taboo topic! Join me for a FREE, 30-minute Instagram Live workshop wherein we’ll explore the causes of mom rage, how to manage anger, as well as strategies for productively expressing emotions.
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